Community Development Initiatives montage

Cliff and Monica had always been interested, and fully involved, in the concept of community.

Following over 15 years of pastoring churches in inner city communities during post-war times of great social change in both church and state, in the1970s Cliff and Monica set up the ‘Newham Community Renewal Programme’ in East London. Through this venture they explored new approaches to inner-city mission using community development principles – “community-based evangelism”, turning redundant churches into vibrant community hubs and developing many local community projects.

These experiences formed the basis, not only in their ongoing pastoral work but also for much of their later ministry and many of the leadership training courses they developed throughout the 1980s-90s and early 21st century.

They also used this approach as they sought to establish Moggerhanger Park with a community-led approach to operating a 21st century business and Christian mission establishment with an emphasis upon the historic Clapham Sect and their principles.

C&M has many archival documents relating to these aspects of this subject. These are gradually being digitalised and will be added here when available.

East London Community Projects in the 1970s

  • Trinity Centre
  • Publications on inner city mission.
  • Newham Community Renewal Programme
  • 70s Inner City Challenges: the Harold Road Centre

Community Development Research and Teaching

  • Lectures at various Bible Colleges and the YMCA.
  • Home Office teaching Senior Police and Prison Governors.
  • Urban Mission Research

Moggerhanger Park

  • Establishing Moggerhanger Park
  • Clapham Sect links and Principles