C&M Ministries was formed in 1982 to support the ministry of Cliff and Monica Hill when they left pastoral charge, but it was not until 1993 that it was registered as an independent charitable trust. The trust has enabled Cliff and Monica to give freely of their time and abilities in the founding and establishing of a number of Christian ministries.
Monica and Cliff have exercised a creative ministry over many years which has included founding the Newham Community Renewal Programme, Trinity Centre East Ham, the British Church Growth Association, Prophetic Word Ministries and the magazine Prophecy Today, The Centre for Contemporary Ministry, Family Matters Institute, Transform UK, the Movement for Justice and Reconciliation and Issachar Ministries, plus numerous smaller and time related charities, ministries and projects.
The insights that have been developed by their pro-active involvement in responding to the needs of the times, have established several charities and organisations in Britain, many of which are continuing to make a relevant contribution today and whose influence has stretched far beyond these shores.
C&M Ministries’ current aims are to draw together for future generations the very large number of published (and unpublished) works and records representing the teaching given by Monica and Cliff throughout their long ministry, while at the same time continuing to write and comment on the current situation.