Dear Praying Friends of C and M Heritage Ministry 

It seems a long time since we were last in touch, but we have not been idle.  All is well with the ministry and we are so thankful to each of you for your help and support in so many ways which enabled us to create a solid foundation last year that we will be able to build upon in the years ahead. We are  keen to share some of the many changes that are already taking place as we enter another significant year.  

First, we are pleased to announce that the website has been fully renewed and refreshed as we complete Stage 2. The basic structure that Andy built up for us in Stage 1 has not only now been transferred, it has also been enhanced to enable us to show considerably more - the foretaste of things to come. Martin has taken over from Andy and three new pages are now viewable from the home page menu, which is now live here.

There is much more now to view, with even more to come, as we have been working to digitalise the archival material we have gathered over 70 years of ministry in many out-of-date formats. An increasing number of documents, links and pictures are now becoming accessible directly. Others, which many volunteers have been updating and preparing behind-the-scenes, will be added as soon as they have been fully approved and properly tagged. 

More help is needed! – See the Practical Support page.  

Do please share and recommend the site and its content to others you may know, as we are keen for it to reach out further as we feel some of the subjects that were pioneered have increasing relevance for today We are also keen to establish further links with those who have been involved in, or influenced by, any of our past activities and draw on their memories too.  

We have very much appreciated hearing from so many of you, particularly over the Christmas period – often with good as well as sad news, as so much in our world is changing. We are entering a new year with a shared hope as we reflect on the seventy years we have been in ministry, both in its context and considering its effect at that specific time in history, but also highlighting any continuing relevance it may have for today. Our insights and papers on change will eventually have a tab on the website itself. 

Significant changes have been made to the existing webpages, but we have now added the following sections:

Memories and Testimonies:

We move forward, growing in maturity and learning from each other and we are finding there Is much of relevance in both our own and your varying responses to many of the issues we have tackled over the years. Angela has already collated some of your memories and added them to our website, see the index at the side of the Testimonies page. If you have any extra memories to add to these pages, it is now possible for you to add them yourself - although we would also love to hear more from you, so please do contact Angela. Photos to go alongside your piece (in .jpg or .png format) can be sent to us separately by email.


Monica, Jenny and Tony have been working on our resources website pages  and there are already a number of books appearing on these pages here, some with links to purchase through Issachar Ministries.  We have gathered extra material, including a little background information about each publication; plus links to some reviews and hopefully this will give you some insights into why that publication was produced. Previews of many plus a more detailed search process will be added.  

Here is the link to the  free downloadable printed series of Prophecy Today Magazines – 11 years’ worth are already uploaded.  More books, leaflets and other material will continue to be added and we will publicise in our newsletters the significance of these for today. 

C&M Ministry pages

Through these ministry pages which will eventually be by far the largest section, we aim to catalogue the wide variety of ministries we have been involved in through our 70 years of ministry. At present these seven pages only give brief summaries of each area of activity, which will lead down to others, which are not yet quite ready. Eventually we hope to be able to add much more detail and expand further and you will be able to see the draft of this when you click the lower links, together with links to any relevant archival material elsewhere. But if there is an area missing that you are interested in, now is the time to let us know!! 


News of any relevant forthcoming events will now appear as announcements on the website alongside the already digitalised last newsletter with its links to some of the material contained there. The earlier newsletters are gradually being upgraded and contents stored in the right place.

And finally....

We are always grateful for your involvement and help of any kind and are mainly dependent on the practical help of volunteers and unsolicited gifts from donors.  We thank God every day that, as we no longer travel, we are able to retain our links with you through this newsletter, Zoom, our virtual office and now our website. 
Bless you all in the days ahead,

Cliff and Monica, Angela, Jenny, Tony, Kathryn plus all those sharing in creating this changing face of C and M Ministries.