Book cover for The Reshaping of Britain

Over a long period of ministry Clifford Hill has written numerous books. This latest book is among the most important, if not THE most important. It is a living record of contemporary history that reveals previously unknown details of significant events in the life of the nation over the past 60 years.  
Clifford Hill explains how the Church has been affected by culture and charts the course of societal and spiritual change which has transformed the nation since the 1960s.  
The Reshaping of Britain is a wake-up call that will bring inspiration and challenge to leaders in both Church and State, which could lead to the building of a nation under God that would be a blessing to its people and for the world.  

Background History 

In 2018, Cliff and Monica had moved away from Moggerhanger Park and were reflecting how they could best use their many years of experience in a rapidly changing world with several new challenges now facing Christianity.  Issachar Ministries, during their time,  had responded to some of these changes by launching Prophecy Today UK on line and Outside In to meet the needs of Christians who felt unable to stay in the traditional expression of church and C&M Ministries was now using Issachar Ministries as their prime face to the public.  This was also the early days of Wilberforce Publications, which had been launched by Christian Concern, with its emphasis upon Clapham Sect principles and this seemed a natural outlet to work on together.  


There have been rare occasions in my life when I have read a book that is so important that I have been compelled to shout from the rooftop, “You must read this book.” This is one of those books.

In his book, Clifford Hill charts the radical social changes that have happened in Britain over fifty years from the 1960’s through to the time when the book was published. At the same time, he charts the changes that have taken place in the church over the same period.

Clifford Hill shows us how there has been a systematic attack on the family, marriage and the Judaeo-Christian values that Britain was built on. He also shows us what drove these changes and how Britain has been shaken by the changes. At the same time, he shows us how the church has failed to respond correctly to these changes. Instead of challenging the harmful changes, the church has taken them onboard to the detriment of the church. Not only that, he shows the extent to which the church has become infected with false teaching and practices.

The following quote from the book sums up perfectly what has been happening over the past fifty years, ‘Since the middle of the 20th century we have seen, in Britain, a social revolution in the nation and the slow suicide of the church’. Right now, the situation looks grim but there is hope if only the church can learn from the past mistakes and truly believe in God’s word again. I found the Epilogue to be the best part of the book. This is where Clifford Hill uses his prophetic ministry to show us what God is saying and where we go from here.

I recommend that every Christian in Britain should read this book, especially those in church leadership.

Mike Ashton
New Life Pastoral Ministry

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